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  1. N

    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @latestnews Wrong. You have to achieve sufficient time under tension (or time under load) to reach the larger type II muscle fibers. That doesn’t equate to more reps. It can be slower reps done under load in strict form. If you reach failure after sufficient time under tension you will have...
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @latestnews Point 5 “The more advanced we are, the more sets we need.” That’s dead solid wrong. More advanced the trainees need high intensity briefer workouts. The stronger one gets the more likely higher volume will lead to overtraining.
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @latestnews Chris, if you’re the Chris Breardsley I’m thinking of, I have read your book, Hypertrophy. I respect your thinking. However, even your book posits that full fiber stimulation requires muscle fibers to be under “high tension and moving slowly.” In other words approaching failure. My...
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    I did GtG with weighted dead bugs for 3 months and got a lot of core strength gains

    @malgo Thanks! Looks like a unique ab exercise.
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @latestnews See my other comment. For strength and hypertrophy you have to stimulate the high threshold Type II muscle fibers. You MAY be able to stimulate them at some reps less than failure. But how many reps less? One, two three? How do you know? The only way to be certain you have...
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @dawn16 If the person is doing three sets of only one exercise per week I doubt they could overtrain. My point is the only way to be certain you have stimulated all the muscle fibers in a given muscle or group of muscles is to take the set to positive momentary muscular failure. At that point...
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @jeffwilly001 The main study you cite is a META analysis. Meta analysis is the definition of cherry picking. Meta analysis is not original research. An author chooses other’s research studies and tries to “prove” a point. Each study has different sizes, different groups, different protocols...
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @jeffwilly001 From your own source: “Conclusion: Overall, the results suggest that despite statistically significant effects on muscular strength being found for non-failure compared with failure training, the small percentage of improvement shown for non-failure training is unlikely to be...
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    Minimum and the best number of sets for muscle mass - Based on science

    @latestnews Ah, your point number 2. You better do at least one set to failure or you’ve guaranteed suboptimal muscle stimulation.