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    Most Trainees Lift Too Far Away From Failure (discussion)

    @bulldogbrian I truly agree. I feel like far too many people are using more weight than they really need, and it results in poor technique or at least sub optimal technique to assist with long-term progression. I learned that firsthand after a few injuries and the consequential rehab. You can do...
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    Are weighted pull ups even worth it?

    @keith841 You're right about the policing weight vs. form. The difference is that policing form is better for injury rates, longevity, and recovery. I'm not saying it's the only way to train. I am saying that theoretically, if you could achieve the same stimulus with better form...
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    OFFICIAL RR UPDATE: New Year's New Routine(s)! --- (Coming Up in 2 Weeks: a Total Beginner's Community Exercise Event! ) ---

    @dontdosadness If you'd like, I can design some wicked spreadsheets around the programs to make it easier for folks :)
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    How many pullups are enough in a workout

    @houstonreborn I think the main difference with cluster sets is that the whole point is form. Avoiding form breakdown is number one. If your form breaks, you stop. It's amazing for ingraining good movement patterns and working around injuries, not to mention collecting up a sheit ton of volume.
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    How many pullups are enough in a workout

    @houstonreborn I do my pullups using cluster sets (as it stopped me from getting pain when doing pullups due to a labrum tear). They also helped bring my pullup numbers up insanely. I tend to do singles with a 10-second pause in between each rep. Every 10-20 reps, I'll rest for a few...
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    Increased my sleep from 0-6 to 6-8 hours and it did not make any difference at the gym

    @dearlyloved Because sleep is incredible, but the point is not more sleep is better. The point is enough sleep for you. Obviously, your 3-4 hours was tolerable for your physical recovery (albeit not your mental recovery). Although I'd argue there are likely physical benefits that you have...
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    @raving4him Yes.
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    Stretched Pause and slow negative

    @inbetweendreams This. Even if they didn't better condition the joints and tendons (which they do), the higher level of stimulus per weight is going to increase so that you can get an equal stimulus with less weight which is also likely to be better on your joints.
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    @worthycause4christ Internal cues vs. External cues have rather different effects. Internal cues (mind-muscle connection) tend to assist with better activation. Extenal cues (movement pattern-based) tend to assist with speed and thus, power.
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    @fromgenesistorevelation I was about to say, I have always just cued my lats. Seems to be the same thing.
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    Calorie deficit -> Losing muscle mass. Calorie surplus -> Gaining fat. What to do?

    @freezbuy That's the one. Honestly the absolute best way to have a great understanding.
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    Calorie deficit -> Losing muscle mass. Calorie surplus -> Gaining fat. What to do?

    @dusgfmo This. Hit every point. Don't take it personally OP but ultimately there is no magic here and 99.9% of the time, there is a very logical reason for these things. Go check out RPStrength. Mike Israetel does a video "Nutrition Made Simple" which covers every single one of these topics, an...