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  1. J

    Stretched Pause and slow negative

    @neverbeenalone I never watch NH's stuff, but i do watch a lot of Mike's videos. I think he overemphasized on lengthened position training, and full ROM and all that. These methods ARE helpful, but his channel overemphasized the benefits of these methods. One thing his channel never mentions is...
  2. J

    Do you guys use any supplements?

    @mayaann creatine, whey protein, vitamin d, multi vitamin, recently started taking l citrulline as a preworkout. I seem to get bigger pumps and my dick stays hard
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    Is my pull day too much volume?

    @jonathanef exercise selection and form is probably what's causing your back to be lacking. Not the lack of volume or intensity. pick the 2 movements you feel the least in your back and get rid of them for now, find other movements that improve your mind muscle connection.
  4. J

    What do you think about this guy's pull up and row technique?

    pullups: Dumbbell rows: What do you guys think? has anyone tried this?
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    Squat Form Check

    @chisel Get your chest and torso more upright. Your bar path drifts forward when you descend