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    Cardio vs Calorie Deficit while Cutting

    @summer313 I make sure to follow natural body builders only. And bulking is definitely something natural body builders do.
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    Cardio vs Calorie Deficit while Cutting

    @preciousleslee Cool.
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    Cardio vs Calorie Deficit while Cutting

    @preciousleslee I’m cutting the same reason everyone cuts, to lower my bf %. Yes, im gonna lose some muscle, that is inevitable, but I’m definitely not going to lose it all. I know this is a bodybuilding sub but I am only here for aesthetic, I don’t really care to be the biggest one in the room.
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    Cardio vs Calorie Deficit while Cutting

    @increasinglygrateful This video was helpful, thank you. It answered most of my questions.
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    Cardio vs Calorie Deficit while Cutting

    @cjwolf Yea I will likely increase cardio since 1500 is already pretty low. And yea I’ll probably lose muscle but I’ve been hitting PRs since I began the more aggressive cut which is good (I think)
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    Cardio vs Calorie Deficit while Cutting

    @klonopinz I didn’t start at 1500, I’ve unknowingly been decreasing my calorie in take for the last few months. I recently jumped though from 2k to 1500 just because I have 2 months to drop from like 20% BF to 12%
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    Cardio vs Calorie Deficit while Cutting

    @dawn16 So when you are cutting and bulking, do you keep your cardio amount the same?
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    Cardio vs Calorie Deficit while Cutting

    Hello, recently I have begun cutting for the first time (without a bulk (yes I know I shouldn't cut)). I was always under the impression that when cutting you could just go into a calorie deficit and continue weight training since this is what a lot of body builders on TikTok tend to show. But...