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  1. P

    The only people who say, "It's all downhill after X" are those who were already going downhill the decade before

    @scrythe My grandad is very old school. You don't take shortcuts to do things. If you go hunting, you walk and crawl EVERYWHERE. You don't take an ATV to get where youre going, you hoof it. Because he does things that I don't there are times where he gives ME shit cuz Im breathing heavy and...
  2. P

    The only people who say, "It's all downhill after X" are those who were already going downhill the decade before

    I've been hearing this for a LONG time, practically my whole life now, and it's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. As a millennial, many of us are complaining about "feeling old" or having this and that pain. What they don't realize is they're no different than the people before them...
  3. P

    Why can't I improve my situps?

    @swordfish11 Abs are muscles just like anything else, and just like any other muscle, you need to push them harder to get more growth. If you are pumping out 40 and can't get further, try mixing it up so you are only able to do 20 or 30. This could be going slow on the way down for 2-4 seconds...