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    CrossFit (insert name here)

    @zeena813 I used to go to a box with a real strong girl who's last name is 'Brohard'. I told her that absolutely needs to be the name of a CrossFit affiliate.
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    How long do you expect your crossfit shoes to last?

    @sonofgodbrotherofman Almost 6 years into CF and I have all of the 1st round of shoes that probably date to sometime in 2014. I have an active job outside the box and go right to work in my Nano's/TR's/Metcon's. So wearing the same shoes for 10-12 hours AFTER the WOD. It's been all Nano and TR...
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    Steroid Users Forever Have an Advantage

    @caleb_m I think this was being debated here yesterday. I know nothing and am inclined to believe either side tbh.
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    Gear Q: What brand of shorts people wear?

    @bornagainman I bought the Ponto Pant but am unsure about it for me. It looks good on everyone else though. But I'm a total shorts guy. The liner on the Kore Short is unlike anything you've ever worn. Like cashmere boxer briefs.
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    Gear Q: What brand of shorts people wear?

    @annajames2050 This question is frequently posted and without fail, responses include Ten Thousand, Lulu, Hylete, Birddog and Vuori, with insults thrown at Reebok CF apparel for good measure. I always read the answers and roll my eyes. FF a year back I saw Vuori mentioned one time too many, so I...
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    Why is 60 minutes classes the standard? 90 minutes classes would be much more efficient

    @bldssphq The counter arguments here are all great, and I came into this *sort of* agreeing with OP's premise. Until I read the comments, which take into account a lot of things that don't factor into my particular scenario. That said, this IS CrossFit and we're ignoring the other elephant in...
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    Anyone else struggling with a skill that seems impossible to learn?

    @cryptic1 That’s right. I’m ok with it. Everyone has their gift in fitness, their wheelhouse movements, and the thing or two they suck at. I can out pull up and out row and out rope climb and out push up 90% of my gym at 53, and won’t trade those bragging rights! Also, a few months ago I snapped...
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    Survey: What CrossFit Movement is the Hardest to Master?

    @dawn16 There's a guy at my box who is obviously on a hunt. There isn't female he won't talk to. I don't think he even knows guys exist, he's so persistently chatting up every female possible. I guess I would too. If I was single. And straight.
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    Anyone else struggling with a skill that seems impossible to learn?

    @jonathan_gale Same problem here, slightly worse. I have been doing CF for a mind boggling 11 years and got ring muscle ups first time I tried, a month in, 3 unbroken. STILL cannot do a bar muscle up. Still doing rings, that bar eludes me. And also, no double unders.
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    What’s up with GainsLab (Year of the Engine)? Scared by what I’ve read recently

    @patona He posted here about a month ago under a new handle, addressing the concerns and giving a overall update. Maybe you can search through or perhaps google ‘Reddit gain lab’ and find it. Edit: I found his post.