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    [ANNOUNCEMENT] F-YEA Buddy Matching Results WOOOOO!

    @rustedspurs4 I opted to not do it, but still wanted to thank the mods for their hard work! Getting that sorted and put together had to have taken a lot of time and effort. By proxy high five!
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    [CONVERSATION] Here's how to start if you are an absolute noob!

    @kleodug I second Starting Strength, if only for the info the book provides.
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    [CONVERSATION] Here's how to start if you are an absolute noob!

    @gbailey I do yoga on my rest days, if only for the fact that it maintains my mobility, loosens the tight muscles in my back, and destresses me.... (Okay, it's mostly about the stress, but a loose back and flexible joints are a nice side effect)
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    12 WEEK FITNESS CHALLENGE!!! *updated from previous with suggestions!!* GOOGLE FORM TRACKING! START: JAN 12

    @saved071275 Between a knee injury, the flu, and a vacation.... no. No, I didn't meet any of my goals.... I cannot express how frustrating this is. Oh well, keep training...