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  1. W

    Help Interpreting Bloodwork (Testosterone) - 17M with absurd numbers

    @confusedgirl98 I got mine at around 8am. Am 6 foot 2 btw, but otherwise our stories sound fairly similar. I've heard bad sleep can really skew your results though, which may have happened to me to some extent
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    Help Interpreting Bloodwork (Testosterone) - 17M with absurd numbers

    @confusedgirl98 Same, except I'm 17, 160, and probably closer to 12% bf. I'm honestly not all that surprised that I have low T, since I was naturally obese (260 at peak) and I suspect I naturally have very mild gyno, but there's a difference between low T and 45 ng/dL (5x lower than the cutoff...
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    Help Interpreting Bloodwork (Testosterone) - 17M with absurd numbers

    @dawn16 oh shit thanks for pointing that out
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    Help Interpreting Bloodwork (Testosterone) - 17M with absurd numbers

    Hi, I (17M, 160 pounds, 6 foot 1.5) recently got my bloodwork done, and I need help interpreting my testosterone and free testosterone levels. The numbers I see are so absurdly low I think the test might be bunk, or I'm severely misinterpreting the test. Total T: I read 45 ng/dL, where the...