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  1. M

    Advice needed on maintaining muscle while cutting without high protein intake

    @baongoc1990 Thanks for the insights. Is 100-120g per day good enough to maintain muscle while cutting? Also, can I do a very basic beginner routine like this to incorporate resistance training along with cardio for muscle...
  2. M

    Advice needed on maintaining muscle while cutting without high protein intake

    @coillteglas This program sounds good as well. I just want to lift weights 3 times a week until I reach my goal weight. I was looking into PPL but it seems like doing PPL once will only hit each muscle group once a week which is why I went with Phrak's GSLP which has more frequency and I can...
  3. M

    Advice needed on maintaining muscle while cutting without high protein intake

    @coillteglas Great progress dude! Keep going I want to create a routine where I do some lifting for 3 days and leave the rest of 2/3 days for my cardio/hiit. Which program did you follow specifically? I'm considering this one
  4. M

    Advice needed on maintaining muscle while cutting without high protein intake

    @worriedmom1968 I see, thanks. While in deficit, is this a good routine to follow to help build muscle as I lose fat?
  5. M

    Advice needed on maintaining muscle while cutting without high protein intake

    I'm 29 (M), 5'8", 172 lbs and seems like I'm around 25% body fat range (looking at pictures) I'm not obese but I'm overweight by 5-10 pounds. I am an active person (cardio/hiit 5 days a week). Along with cardio, I have started lifting weights (just some chest, biceps, shoulders, back movements...