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    Mark Rippetoe's chin-up protocol for fixing Golfers Elbow

    @sannya So crazy, I have been dealing with Golfers elbow for a long time and it just recently has gotten so bad that it is effecting almost everything I do. I was researching different therapy for it and this post popped up on my feed. :)
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    Three years vegan. I feel about the same as I did when I wasn't a vegan

    @flyingforjesus As a newby vegan of five months here is what i have noticed: i don't feel uncomfortable full after i eat, I don't fall asleep in the afternoons like I used to and I recover much faster from hard workouts. My mental clarify and overall energy levels are the same, however I feel...
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    M 22, 4 months progress. From 130 lbs to 143 lbs

    @regularposter What’s your ab workout?