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  1. J

    Apparently I suck at zone 2

    @aachen_hexagon No, zone 2 and zone 4 benefits are different in how they fuel your movement.
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    Apparently I suck at zone 2

    @aspiringeducator So the 160 is low to mid zone 3, which sounds right when you mention the heat and humidity. I can imagine without the heat and humidity, it would likely have been high zone 2 to low zone 3. Murph is a whole different beast, my HR is yelling at me to stop!!
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    Apparently I suck at zone 2

    @aspiringeducator So if you have a higher than average max, 160 BPM is likely not hitting zone 5 for you. So it isn't comparable.
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    Apparently I suck at zone 2

    @aachen_hexagon I would question the accuracy of the heat rate monitor if you can run an hour in zone 4/5 and it be comfortable and you're holding back! If you're comfortably running along at a pace where you can easily hold a conversation, you're in the right zone - irrespective of what your...
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    Baylee Rayl not competing in the 2024 CrossFit Games

    @be_a_light I find all religion weird, I don’t discriminate.
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    Baylee Rayl not competing in the 2024 CrossFit Games

    @oddrob That won’t help sell her new clothing brand
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    Baylee Rayl not competing in the 2024 CrossFit Games

    @jesusculture You know it would be true!!!! I’m surprised God isn’t asking the people winning the games and the big money to drop out, or maybe he appreciates their extra commitments….
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    Baylee Rayl not competing in the 2024 CrossFit Games

    @endtimeservant777 It makes me laugh when people try to argue that the over the top link between CrossFit and god isn’t weird (it really IS weird), and then we watch professional athletes leave the sport because of god “wanting them to do something else”. I must have missed all the other...