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  1. K

    How do you bounce back to fitness after a bad mental health day/week/month/year?

    @christineleex3 There are some techniques from the addiction literature on overcoming cravings. I think these can be applied to sticking to an exercise program. I'm no expert on addiction, but like everyone else, I've had some friends with these troubles, so I took the time to read about them...
  2. K

    How do you keep motivated?

    @rhettryder Try to get away from the extremes. Plan a looser diet and a lighter workout schedule. It is better to do something small consistently than to do something great inconsistently. Get a less ambitious routine under your belt, forgive yourself when you stray, work from there. No one is...
  3. K

    Curious about Rucking?

    @vandaldog It looks like fun. I enjoyed backpacking in my younger days. This may be more my speed, with the ability to go limited distances. Thank you for posting. Always looking for something new in the fitness smorgasbord.