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    CrossFit Quarterfinals Workout 3 – Most Falsifed Leaderboard Ever? [The Unintentional Cheaters]

    @thespeedboy Please read full post, it is CrossFit's problem because their leaderboard is falsified. Athletes paid $50 directly to CrossFit for being evaluated fairly for their fitness level. Data shows that something's up.
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    CrossFit Quarterfinals Workout 3 – Most Falsifed Leaderboard Ever? [The Unintentional Cheaters]

    @thespeedboy Fully agree that not carefully reading athletes caused the leaderboard mess and I consciously omit this fact in my post, because for me it's obvious, meanwhile HQ have created environment and tools to do this mess. Most important question for you: Is it fair that other athletes are...
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    CrossFit Quarterfinals Workout 3 – Most Falsifed Leaderboard Ever? [The Unintentional Cheaters]

    TLDR: CrossFit put „shuttle runs” in the Workout #3 from Quarterfinals and set rep scheme 4-8-12-16-12-8-4. On the floor plan each RUNNING SECTION IS 25 FEET LONG – BUT ONE REP IS 50 FEET – and thats the problem, because lots of folks didn’t read carefully workout description. Leaderboard is...