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  1. H

    Every Push-Up Progression. THE Push Up Index

    @button This is really impressive! I'm curious to see how far into the difficulty scale my current pushup strength is.
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    Made up a program, followed for 8 weeks - Calisthenics and a 24 kg kettlebell. Here's how it went

    @ant0099 It's gonna take me a while to get a heavier bell, so I hope the ring dips are sufficiently intense for my pushing hehehe Getting nice looking clean reps with RTO at the top for big volume should take some time. Then I can fuck with pauses
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    Made up a program, followed for 8 weeks - Calisthenics and a 24 kg kettlebell. Here's how it went

    @wezo777 I figured the sheer volume accumulation from the laddering and waving would be more helpful
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    Made up a program, followed for 8 weeks - Calisthenics and a 24 kg kettlebell. Here's how it went

    Maybe it's because I mainly did clean and press rather than just press?
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    Made up a program, followed for 8 weeks - Calisthenics and a 24 kg kettlebell. Here's how it went

    @wezo777 I somehow mistyped 10 for 12 and only noticed it later, so I went 10 to 14, but I still agree with you tbh. Was expecting 16 based on my pre COVID PR
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    Made up a program, followed for 8 weeks - Calisthenics and a 24 kg kettlebell. Here's how it went

    both my upper body lifts reps went up by 40% after me working them exactly the same way. 40% increase would be wild on a 1RM but I don't know how good it is as a rep max increase
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    Made up a program, followed for 8 weeks - Calisthenics and a 24 kg kettlebell. Here's how it went

    @premier3092 Thanks! I'd love to see what you do with it later, too. Might post my next iteration here as well
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    Made up a program, followed for 8 weeks - Calisthenics and a 24 kg kettlebell. Here's how it went

    What the title says. I had fun doing it, and will likely run a version of it again for my upper body and fit in my new 60 kg strongman sandbag I just bought (hasn't even arrived yet) for my lower body. I'd love to know what you guys think of the progress and how you'd incorporate the sandbag...
  9. H

    Comparison between 4 popular beginner bodyweight workouts shared in this sub over the last decade

    @kc8vji I strongly recommend TGUs and ring facepulls for shoulder fixing, I can feel it getting better on a weekly basis. In my case the collarbone healed a little shorter, making the shoulder a bit internally rotated, but months of diligent work have gotten it a lot closer to what it used to...
  10. H

    Comparison between 4 popular beginner bodyweight workouts shared in this sub over the last decade

    @kc8vji Really cool breakdown! I think dips are more interchangeable with push ups/bench than with pikes/hspu/ohp, based on my experience with dip carryover to other stuff. Back when I did stronglifts, dips helped my bench more than my OHP. I view some sort of overhead work as a essential tbh...