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    Will 50 pushups a day make a noticeable difference?

    @lucyt25 just do 4 sets of moderately hard pushup progression not to failure every other day. you will build strength incredibly faster than doing 50 pushups/day.
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    Will 50 pushups a day make a noticeable difference?

    @chumleypm i dont think we are looking at hypertrophy here. but the research paper is very interesting. i think this quote accurately summarizes the strength part: at our current understanding, it is better to use lower reps/higher intensity type of strength training to increase 1rm max. so...
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    Will 50 pushups a day make a noticeable difference?

    @chumleypm can you show that research. this tells me otherwise. there have multiple latest research on the repetition continuum.
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    Will 50 pushups a day make a noticeable difference?

    @yochanagrace Why should anyone give sub-standard advice? everybody should strive to give the best advice to untrained novice who lack info like @lucyt25. They want to gain strength. Why would anyone recommend 50 pushups a day (high chance of overuse injury) unless the need to pass a fitness...
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    Will 50 pushups a day make a noticeable difference?

    @debro what's the point of doing it other than to increase the max number of reps? Nobody is getting strength adaptations from doing 50 pushups/day.
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    Will 50 pushups a day make a noticeable difference?

    @seth504 good advice like your gets buried in lots of shit replies. most of the threads where recognized bodyweight experts don't comment are like this.