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  1. N

    Gym guy (60s) yells at me (27 F) in gym

    @zastari Thanks. I was fuming just pissed me off that he felt he had the nerve to talk to someone like that.
  2. N

    Gym guy (60s) yells at me (27 F) in gym

    @rockerfox I get that. There were two other of the same machine open and he was actively working out on a hamstring curl behind me so definitely wasn’t sitting there waiting on me. I was timing my rests and they are 2 minutes. But I get your point.
  3. N

    Gym guy (60s) yells at me (27 F) in gym

    @howru The gym I’m at (which was tik tok famous for a manager banning and yelling at a person for putting weights back wrong) doesn’t really care. Had I said something they would have probably brushed it off.
  4. N

    Gym guy (60s) yells at me (27 F) in gym

    I was at the gym today, which I have gone to for years without issues. I was doing my warm up set to start of my leg day. I was taking my normal 2-3 minute break in between sets and scrolling through my music during that time. A really buff guy comes up to me and asked me how many sets I had. I...