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  1. M

    Can a single kettlebell replace a gym membership?

    @is2017overyet A single kettlebell is all the gym you need. Swings, squats, cleans, rows, presses, weighted lunges, it's endless. Check out Steve Cotter, Steve Maxwell (yes yes I'm old school). Calisthenics are a great compliment, checkout Convict Conditioning, all workouts are meant to be done...
  2. M

    keeping strength training to 20 mins

    @bfg33 Lol. Trap bar Deadlift. Easier on the tendons and lower back (had torn the bicep tendon). And for the record, I use the lower handles
  3. M

    keeping strength training to 20 mins

    @bfg33 It's weird, the first 20 pounds was kinda easy, but once I got to 240 it's been very hard. I want to say, 'oh this is my genetic weight' but I know it's an excuse. Abs are made in the kitchen... And I'm a lousy cook.
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    keeping strength training to 20 mins

    @bfg33 Ah, 225 would be sweet! Ya, I've been working through this idea of volume. Of course 2000 reps of 10lbs dumbbells would be dishonest. The idea is beat last week's numbers. You increase total rep/volume by 20%, get a different combo of push/pull exercises.
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    keeping strength training to 20 mins

    @roberto1820 Getting 200 reps in under 20 mins comes pretty close to HIIT, LOL
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    keeping strength training to 20 mins

    @up4god 100% agree. The other thing is recovery, esp at our age. I didn't want to believe it, squeezing in 4x20min strength sessions a week but I changed it up to every other day, so it's 3 one week, 4 another, and found better strength gains (getting back into the 400s in TDLs, woohoo)
  7. M

    keeping strength training to 20 mins

    Just turned 50 this year (m, 6', 240lb). Been focused on losing/keeping weight off. Started at 282 last year, fluctuate between 235-240 now. But time is short and I'm also worried about cardio things. So what I've been doing is short interval runs/sprints for at least 2 miles 6-7 days a week...