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  1. J

    Sunday Show Off - Where you're a baus if you even say you started the beginner routine!

    @groo101 I actually have a few things I'm proud of this week. First, I've gone from a 30s, 6" wall-assisted hs to a belly-to-wall hs. I can balance my hands for about 2s. Second, my L sit set is a solid 10-8-8-5 (seconds). Third, I figured out how I should be engaging my shoulders and...
  2. J

    Congratulations /r/bodyweightfitness! You're Subreddit of the Day!

    @fromgenesistorevelation Why not do some travelling rings stuff? (I haven't checked through your site exhaustively, so I might have missed an existing travelling rings video.) I really liked the video you posted in the interview, and since you love the travelling rings, I think you'd enjoy doing...
  3. J

    Congratulations /r/bodyweightfitness! You're Subreddit of the Day!

    @fromgenesistorevelation Tardy to the party here, but Ant--why not do some stuff on travelling rings? I saw the video you posted in the interview and they look fun as hell. You could do a getting started tutorial, how to have fun on two rings (for those of us without a travelling rings setup...