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  1. D

    DEXA Results: 26 F / 5'5.5" / 129 lbs / 15.7% body fat

    @katzby23 Totally! For context, here's some (NSFW) pictures I took recently to track progress. I've gained quite a bit of muscle in recent months but stayed a pretty steady weight, but I'd really like to be a lot leaner -- right now, if I'm flexing or OHP-ing at the gym, I love how muscular my...
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    DEXA Results: 26 F / 5'5.5" / 129 lbs / 15.7% body fat

    @katzby23 I think it's super interesting the big difference in composition between right and left arms! I would have assumed someone's dominant arm would be more muscular, but not as much of a difference! Btw, you look great. I'm the same height and weight as you with a very similar body shape...
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    Damn it....did it again. Bout to get back on the wagon with the DOMS that come with it

    @christbeloved Nope! Also, It's also totally cool to work out while sore (and can actually help relieve some of the soreness)!
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    Damn it....did it again. Bout to get back on the wagon with the DOMS that come with it

    @kimosavy47 Whenever I have bad DOMS usually the last thing I feel like doing is more exercise, but it always ends up feeling better than if I hadn't. Plus, prevents more DOMS down the line!
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    Damn it....did it again. Bout to get back on the wagon with the DOMS that come with it

    @christbeloved Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (D.O.M.S.). Basically, when you don't work out a muscle frequently enough, you'll get sore the next day (up to a few days) after a workout. The more frequently you work that muscle thereafter, the less sore you'll be. Also, DOMS isn't necessarily an...
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    Fake Tan v. Sweat

    @lifeabundant I've been using the Jergen's natural glow gradual tanner with a lot of good results.
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    [X-Post-rLoseIt] Down 18lbs in 4 weeks :)

    @yac11 Good job, keep it up! Personally, I find the Fiber One bars to be not very good and pretty low in protein, and much prefer the Think Thin protein bars -- they actually taste good, are sugar free, and have 20g protein (versus the 6g protein and 7g sugar in Fiber One high protein bars)...