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  1. M

    Petites who has successfully lost those last ~5-10lbs, did it make a significant difference in your body?

    @enoob57 Thank you! I always have a tiny bit of belly and for me it didn’t go away even when I got to 103, so I’m going to try hitting weights and eating more protein for recomp to try to get a flatter stomach. But to get to 103, I really didn’t do any exercise more than my normal yoga/ 1 mile...
  2. M

    Petites who has successfully lost those last ~5-10lbs, did it make a significant difference in your body?

    @dassahjoy I’m 5’1” and my goal weight was 103 lb. I finally got rid of the last 5 lb down to my goal weight and to me it didn’t really make a noticeable difference. Going from 115 to 108ish-110 was noticeable though so I’m staying in that range now