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  1. L

    I have my goals changing consistently and I don’t know where I want to go with my health journey

    @vivekanandshastri I'm not saying to reduce working out, I'm saying to add recovery work. Easy places to start: -Go on a 5-10 minute walk after your CF class and focus on your breathing, try and get your breathing and HR to slow down and get your body out of the "fight or flight" state that...
  2. L

    I have my goals changing consistently and I don’t know where I want to go with my health journey

    @vivekanandshastri If you are committed to doubling your training volume, you also need to be committed to at least doubling (if not tripling) your recovery work.
  3. L

    What do u have for breakfast

    @bagr4 First breakfast (aka pre-7AM class snack): banana and a glass of water. I forgot the water today and got a headache as a result of being dehydrated. probably won't make that mistake for another few weeks... Second breakfast: yogurt, granola, berries, peanut butter.
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    Am I doing too much?

    @ioannes Why did I have to go so far down to find someone telling OP to sleep more? If you're training that much, then you need to be sleeping at least 8 if not more like 9 hours a night. This is actual asleep time, so that means 9+ hours in bed with the lights off and no screens.
  5. L

    Worst WODs for a newbie

    @mydonspace My gym was doing the 2023 Games workouts when I joined. My first class was the Echo Thruster Final. We also did 10 rounds of squat clean and jerk before that WOD. I scaled the weights, but my quads still hurt for the next 4 days afterwards. 21-18-15 Calorie Assault Bike and...