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  1. N

    Recovery Tactics For Busy People Who Train Hard

    @girlintheclouds Take your point, but surely in the interests of health it's best to not discourage leading an active lifestyle. Inactivity (usually erroneously conflated with sitting) is a pretty bad habit that increases the risk of all sorts of diseases and muscoskeletal conditions which...
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    A recap of my transition from running and cycling to kettlebell training

    @equinelover Thanks mate, really appreciate the advice.
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    A recap of my transition from running and cycling to kettlebell training

    @equinelover I actually try and run all runs ‘easy’ but inevitably end up working quite hard (averaging like 150-160 HR), doing about 9:00-9:30min/mile (a decent pace for me!) for whatever reason. Find it difficult to run slower as it feels hugely inefficient, like I’m plodding. Kind of need to...
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    A recap of my transition from running and cycling to kettlebell training

    @equinelover Thank you! Will take it easy. Think part of the issue is that most of my KB sessions inevitably are leg-focussed. Half the time when I run my legs just feel so flat and lacking in springiness/strength.
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    A recap of my transition from running and cycling to kettlebell training

    @equinelover I’m currently running 3.5 times per week and training with kettlebells 2 or 3 times. As a relative novice in both, would you suggest this is too much? It seems you were quite conscious of being unable to recover when you took on more intense KB plans. I’m still just base building...
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    A message about scaling. I’m sharing this with my clients tomorrow, and I figured I’d post it here first

    @joesailor61 ‘Little biscuits’ as a guy has referred to them at ours before
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    A message about scaling. I’m sharing this with my clients tomorrow, and I figured I’d post it here first

    @joesailor61 Absolutely. Being only ~3 months in to CF I've had to scale down to at least the female RX weight (I'm a guy) or lower in every workout. And sometimes it feels rough when you don't even have full size plates on the bar for a snatch. I'm glad I read this post though - trying to end...