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    Best way to smash those calories in?

    @wrldrvltn I'll copy paste a comment I made on this subject under another post : The first thing you need to do when starting a diet, whether it is to lose or gain weight, is be aware of what your current maintenance is. Maintenance being the amount of calories you need to consume every day to...
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    Best way to smash those calories in?

    @wrldrvltn Those are examples. What you need to do is calculate your maintenance and eat more than that
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    Best way to smash those calories in?

    @wrldrvltn butter is not something you really want. Try nuts, nuts butter, 15% fat beef, whole eggs, bread (not white),...
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    Best way to smash those calories in?

    @wrldrvltn Calculate your maintenance and force you to eat above that. Get denser calorie food (food that are high in calorie but low in volume)