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    [27M] I tried GMB's Parallettes One Program. Here is my experience, results, and review

    @dawn16 Added.
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    Technique Thursday - Ring Dips

    @joe_raymond Maybe. Does your L-sit maintain level legs the whole time? Most people say they do a L-sit ring dip but their legs dip during the dip which makes it much easier. If you can do it that way that may mean you're used to flaring the elbows more than keeping them tucked and have...
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    Improving pull ups form for a full body workout

    @hailsatan420 Yeah, they really do help people's pullups and lots of people neglect them thinking more sets of pullups will help more.
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    Improving pull ups form for a full body workout

    @travelbigtime I've used the 5x5 method to progress with pullups and chinups to bring my wife up from 0 pullups to 12 pullups with this method in about 2.5-3 months. Example: You can do 0 pullups to start. Start by jumping up to the bar and slowly lowering in a negative for 3-5s or so. Repeat...
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    P.P.T during straddle and full planche

    @meld You're welcome!
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    Technique Thursday - Ring Dips

    @laura06 You're welcome!
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    Proper Pull up form (retracting or depressing first?)

    @a87 Front lever retraction is good. Front lever is not fully overhead like pullups so the issue in the above article does not apply.
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    P.P.T during straddle and full planche

    @meld Try doing some reverse hypextensions with legs in straddle to get the feel of the particular movement with legs in a different orientation. Straight body legs together vs straddle is different, so even if you did a lot of straight body body positioning work, you can still screw up...
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    Technique Thursday - Ring Dips

    @laura06 No that's not what I was talking about. People tend to flex their wrist when they fatigue as a compensation. This brings the strap and ring against the forearm during the dip causing it to rub. No... I said to perform RTO because makes it so your forearms won't rub. It places the...
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    Technique Thursday - Ring Dips

    @laura06 RTO -- rings turned out. and also dont flex the wrists as that rubs the forearm against the ring.
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    We created an app for the Recommended Routine and we want to share it with the community

    @arniep Looked at it and is free, so I added you guys to the FAQ section for RR apps.
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    What is a better transition workout: easier variations vs negatives vs lower reps vs longer rest?

    @yahleel None of these. If you can already the the amount of reps you need like set of 10 pullups and that's your max but for only 1 set, then usually just scale back from failure by a rep to two and do the full workout: Example: 8-8-8 then build up the reps from 8-8-8 to 9-8-8, 9-9-8...
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    Proper Pull up form (retracting or depressing first?)

    @gokua It's a common misconception that you need to retract. Just engage with depression and don't retract any.
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    What are your thoughts on this crazy stuff?

    @christianr_ Ah, gotcha. Yeah, some gymnasts occasionally just do a dislocated into german hang but they don't start with reverse grip like that as far as I know
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    Technique Thursday - Ring Dips

    @dawn16 No, but it will help.
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    M, 41, 5'9", 150 -- Not getting stronger on L-sit Pull-ups, dips, tucked ice-cream makers, pseudo planche push-ups

    @fanner570 I'd probably go with some variation of last set to failure. Only go up in reps when you can do 2 more reps on your last set than the current progression as in the example. Also, make sure you're resting enough between sets
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    What are your thoughts on this crazy stuff?

    @christianr_ Gymnasts use elgrip on bar all the time in jam movements and pirouettes. Example below and you can search 'elgrip high bar' or elgrip giants or variations of that to find videos with them. But yeah that video is a cool sequence of elgrip conversion to a dip above the rings
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    How are you building and increasing connective tissue (e.g. wrists and elbow)?

    @johm See the last section of the posted link! I linked most of the tentative studies on supplements. Most of them either have no benefit or may have a minimal benefit compared to other interventions. If you have money to spare and want possible improvement then go for it.
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    M, 41, 5'9", 150 -- Not getting stronger on L-sit Pull-ups, dips, tucked ice-cream makers, pseudo planche push-ups

    @fanner570 Add another set or two or move to another method of progression. Generally plateaus signal that you have hit the limit of whatever progression you were using and you need to switch it up. If going from 3x5 -> 3x6 -> 3x8 doesn't work then go to something like rep addition: 5-5-5...