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    6.2ft or 6.3ft tall natural bodybuilers example

    @mm1992 Nice bro. Im 6'5". Not many tall bodybuilders out there. Maybe there needs to be a channel for the giants.
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    To those of you who feel you've mastered pushing to true failure, do you get grindy reps no matter the exercise?

    @ladycherise63 Its also personal preference, no real right or wrong answer, just opinions. Thanks for being the translator.
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    2 in 1 belt

    @andy0 I guess its not the cost as much as it having more stuff to have to bring and keep away from my kids. Id rather pay more to have one year does both well.
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    Top 10 exercises

    @victorcourville Squats, SLDL, cable flies, ez bar curls, dips, pull ups, incline db press, t-bar rows, lateral raises, Smith machine ohp
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    To those of you who feel you've mastered pushing to true failure, do you get grindy reps no matter the exercise?

    @jacob40524 As long as you keep your form and proper safety measures are in place, including spotters if dangerous without one, you can go to failure and grind it out.
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    2 in 1 belt

    @doks Darn.
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    6.2ft or 6.3ft tall natural bodybuilers example

    @paparazi257 You accept dm?
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    What is your favorite MAG grip for lat pulldown?

    @blondie977 Recently discovered these at my bb gym. They have close grip or med neutral which I like a lot.
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    2 in 1 belt

    So I'm able to do at least 20 dips continuously now and am putting up too much weight when I squat and deadlift. I know those 2 are more powerlifting but I do moderate rep ranges and starting to feel like I need a belt for both. Need to add weight to dips, unfortunately not pull-ups yet, and to...
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    What made your arm grow the most?

    @setst777 Do your arms before horizontal and vertical pushes and pulls, not after. You can spam bis, tris, delts so I often do sets on leg days. I call them limb days now.
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    Muscle imbalances

    @simancia Do unilateral work but honestly just keep progressing overall and you will be fine. I used to do my weaker left side first to set the rep count on that weight then do right but thats when I was getting over an injury. Now I do strong side first and will match on weaker left side or do...
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    @nikkideamus Not talking bmi
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    M 30, 5' 8.5", at 181 lbs. Looking for some critiques and advice as I begin my 28 week journey towards my OCB Men's Classic Debut

    @moni079 Chest and abs appear lacking. Maybe its the angle but the shoulders in the front totally dominate the view. A most muscular might help because the frontal you look like your leaning back and shrugging instead on contracting the chest and abs.
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    What’s your thoughts on the oversized t shirt?

    @righteousbyfaith How wide are you?
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    What’s your thoughts on the oversized t shirt?

    @righteousbyfaith Does it look good on you?
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    [M/36/1.8m] How long until I start seeing results from my bulking?

    @faithfulfindings Keep it up. You will see the results if you stay disciplined.
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    @kevitho Pic? Just couldn't be possible
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    @neworthodoxdenomination1 Thats great 👍