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    Kid refused to spot me today, so I returned the favor

    @aeri20 You taught him...
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    4 years of hard work

    @silsophi Lean muscle you are good. Over 20% bf but thats diet as we all know. Looking good all in all
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    What are your personal indicators to NOT hit the gym?

    @ensea12 When going to the gym would be bad for your health or other aspect of your life. You can always do a make up or a rest day if needed. Sometimes just doing some stretches, light workout or whatnot is great to be active without additional fatigue added.
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    How do you respond (and deal with it internally) when someone asks you if you are “still lifting”?

    @danielkibby Haha 😄 thankfully I look large but I either used to be called skinny or fat, because I was skinny fat.
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    What's your daily schedule look like?

    @prayersword I either get to the gym by 6am so its done for the day or on days I have to workout in the evening, I'll usually do it when my kids are in bed or at least getting ready for bed and things seem to be stable. Otherwise I work 8-5 M-F, take kids to school and do activities with them...
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    Am I missing out if I dont squat ?

    @jayaraj I'm assuming you mean traditional barbell squat whether it front or back squat and I would say no to those because there are other options that are just as good, if not better for hypertrophy. I do hack squats, sissy squats and sometimes just leg press which is similar. It's all not the...
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    Too Much Volume?

    @4eyedfenix Btw great username
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    Jeff Nippard’s New Exercises

    @ray0174 His content is disintegrating. Thats ok, I hate his voice.
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    Too Much Volume?

    @4eyedfenix Is it challenging? Are each set very difficult? I see sets of 10 a lot but is that weight actually stimulating? I'm thinking you increase the reps to or near failure or increase the weight until 10 reps is extremely difficult, to the point sequential sets you might be able to be 10.
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    A friend of mine asked me if I was natural or if I took creatine

    @gworden Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
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    Genetics aren’t what you think they are

    @nbj486 Genetics absolutely play a role but agree its an excuse for the ones that don't work hard and just want to complain. Laziness and superior drive and work ethic are genetic as well.
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    is this normal or am I doing something wrong? feel like I'm getting smaller. is this body dysmorhia?

    @macherieamour My wife has/had body dysmorphia disorder. She saw a psychologist which helped her a lot. Look into it.
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    is this normal or am I doing something wrong? feel like I'm getting smaller. is this body dysmorhia?

    @macherieamour You look healthy imo. If you want to have huge muscles naturally, you will need to bulk for a while which means you will have more fat than usual but its essential to get bigger muscles first. Then you can cut down. I think you want to get big muscles and lose fat at the same time...
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    Finally did it

    @dontreallyknow Hit it 2 months ago. Still making gains. Keep it up. 275lbs in my new goal.
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    Overcoming body dysmorphia?

    @mrseedsower Yeah not likely bdd. Probably just immature which can change with the right mindset and time/experiences to mature. Do you have a mentor?
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    Should I compete? Opinion about my physique, progress

    @%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%BE You should be proud of the work you have put in thus far to have definition. You are better shape than most people in general. You do not have much size to compete and place. Your legs are lacking development but it is all possible with several years of training.
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    Is it possible to reduce the gap in my chest, or is it just due to poor genetics?

    @imalive Genetics are what they are. Keep killing it. You have a prominent sternum but be proud of your physique and the work put into it.
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    Nutrition help

    @birdhunter Skinny fat means you should focus on bulking. Good macros, intense lifting until you have noticeable muscle.
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    6.2ft or 6.3ft tall natural bodybuilers example

    @mm1992 Nice bro. Im 6'5". Not many tall bodybuilders out there. Maybe there needs to be a channel for the giants.
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    To those of you who feel you've mastered pushing to true failure, do you get grindy reps no matter the exercise?

    @ladycherise63 Its also personal preference, no real right or wrong answer, just opinions. Thanks for being the translator.