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  1. J

    Anyone doing the programming from renaissance periodization?

    @jazzper Yes exactly. So a progression might look like this: 1) 225x8,7,5 2) 230x8,7,5 3) 235x8,7,5 4) 240x7,5,3 5) Deload 1)new meso: 230x9,6 ; 225x7 2) 235x9,6 ; 230x7 I wanted to show that you can use a down set when you’re in danger of leaving the desired rep range too. THAT BEING...
  2. J

    Anyone doing the programming from renaissance periodization?

    @jazzper Hello. I’ve been doing RP training for a while and probably will train this way from now on. You have the general idea down. In week one, use your BEST GUESS of 3RIR for every set in your rep range. Each week add 5-10 lbs or 1-2 reps. Each week add a set if you are not getting any...
  3. J

    Anyone else sub out BB squats for V Squat?

    @lepomis Try wearing shoes with a heel, like powerlifting shoes, and bring your feet lower to bias the quads.