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  1. K

    My summer plan

    @austinrnewton Lol thanks, I’ve always had a larger butt, (size L in bottoms even at 120 pounds) but I want to see what it could be if it was more muscle and less fat. I don’t want to be particularly muscular anyways and figured daily yoga (similar to calisthenics for me) would build the...
  2. K

    My summer plan

    @nezsruiz Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll add that
  3. K

    My summer plan

    @nezsruiz In my experience yoga is a lot of body weight exercises and enough for me to feel like I’m gaining strength in the other areas. The glutes are just an experiment, if I don’t like how it’s going I’ll switch it lol
  4. K

    My summer plan

    @gladius Yeah it’s an experiment lol
  5. K

    My summer plan

    Hey there! I’m 5’2 and 215 pounds. I gained about 75 pounds over 3 years. I’m a first year teacher and I’m so excited to take this paid time off to really focus on myself and my health. I have a plan I’ve created and wanted some input on it! -daily yoga -glutes 3x a week (just want to see how...