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  1. B

    “I’m going to Rx 18.3” ~ A guy who can’t do pull-ups

    @wangs Why not do the 100DUs, 115lb OHS, 100 DUs, and then do some form of assisted pull ups so you can keep going to dumbbell snatches and more DUs? Then practice some MUs after Also, while the scaled sounds easy, and it isn't particularly taxing on muscles, I did 898 reps this morning and it...
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    “I’m going to Rx 18.3” ~ A guy who can’t do pull-ups

    @britebore Personally, I'm on week 6 or 7 of CrossFit. I know right where I stack up :) I still think the goal should be to push yourself, and I don't see 4 minutes of work and then 10 minutes of flopping around on a bar as being the best use of time. I've been doing the open workouts based on...
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    “I’m going to Rx 18.3” ~ A guy who can’t do pull-ups

    @wangs Are the rankings important for some reason? Which one is going to get you a better workout? Do that one. Having a better workout is more important than having more internet points.
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    5/3/1 (nSuns) with CrossFit question

    @nessofonett05 Think about it this way. You're not going to hurt yourself doing wall balls. You might be slower than normal, need to take more breaks, etc..., but there isn't really a danger there. And you're probably not squatting the next day (depending on the template I guess). So you...
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    5/3/1 (nSuns) with CrossFit question

    @nessofonett05 I did 531 Building the Monolith for the past 6 weeks. I approached it with my focus on 531. CrossFit was conditioning, meaning the cardio side was more important than picking up the most weight I could. In the strength portion of the class, if they were working something I just...
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    How u create your workouts?

    @dawn16 True that creating a workout is easy. Easy to approach like you mentioned. However creating good programming is much more complicated. The best bet for programming, and not individual workouts, is to follow an existing program.