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  1. C

    CrossFit and CNS Fatigue

    @catherineone Yeah I feel that struggle — I definitely didn't want to quit. I'm in my late 20s (so my recovery should be great), but I just don't think lying on the floor after a workout from fatigue 6 days a week is sustainable..... it seemed like there were people in my gym that could but I...
  2. C

    CrossFit and CNS Fatigue

    @justsaved05 Yeah one of the principles of the book is the "caffeine death spiral" in which you drink caffeine and have slightly worse sleep than you would have with no caffeine, which makes you more likely to drink more caffeine the next day(s) which makes your sleep even worse, which makes you...
  3. C

    CrossFit and CNS Fatigue

    @justsaved05 This is a great reminder — I read Caffeine Blues around when I was dealing with this but kinda lost focus on it and my caffeine use has crept back up. Caffeine is definitely not just free energy — it has consequences! It was crazy learning about the caffeine half life and how even...
  4. C

    CrossFit and CNS Fatigue

    @catherineone I had a situation that sounds similar to yours. I'm a little younger, but I did Crossfitting for a year 6 days a week and started feeling really fatigued, had trouble falling asleep (tired and wired) couldn't concentrate during the day at work etc. I eventually realized I needed...