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  1. R

    Hard plateau in pull-ups

    @childofgod49 Yeah, you can do that but it might get uncomfortable when it gets heavy. Early on with 20 or 30lbs it probably wouldn't be too bad though. A dip belt is the best way IMO and they aren't too expensive. Most gyms also have them.
  2. R

    Hard plateau in pull-ups

    @childofgod49 8 pullups is enough to add some weight. If you get used to doing them with +30lbs (to pick an arbitrary number) bodyweight will start to feel pretty light and I bet you'll get to 12 fairly quickly. I'd recommend plates rather than kettlebells. The latter can bang you in the knee...
  3. R

    Hard plateau in pull-ups

    @childofgod49 Have you tried weighted pullups? My goal is to increase my weighted pullup 1RM but I've found it also makes unweighted pullups much easier.