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  1. M

    Should I see significant improvements after 5 months of training?

    @swindon Losing that last bit of stubborn fat around the midrif is really hard. Its not called stubborn for nothing. It takes real commitment and knowledge. I have done it at 56, and the key is lifestyle. If you live and train and eat according to your (good) habits, the will come off. It takes...
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    How to get stronger as we age

    @anthony1013 At 56 I agree and do the same. I feel it works for me. I had severe shoulder pain from mid July 2022. It came out of nowhere. Looking back it was probably overuse from doing around 100 pushups daily. I stopped the pushups, but continued shoulder presses in the gym, with very light...
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    How to get stronger as we age

    @caelesto I hear you, and the mobility work becomes more and more important as we age. I will incorporate this back into my routine as I have been neglecting this a bit over the last month or so. Thanks for reminding me.
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    How to get stronger as we age

    The key as most here knows, is consistency, mobility and strength training. One inevitable problem with training over 50 is Joint Pain: Joint pain is another reality of getting older. While your training can cause this, it’s often due to a lack of movement. Getting stronger as you age will...
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    The Best Calorie Counter??

    I tried some other variations as well to see how I can get the best results, and I have listed the tips below to get the most accurate information from the Best Calorie Calculator: Be Specific About the Food Item: Mention the exact name of the food item. For instance, instead of saying...
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    The Best Calorie Counter??

    I tested the Best Calorie Counter GPT today to see how accurate it really is by taking 4 meals and doing two separate tests for each recipe. The first test was done on each meal by taking a photo of the meal and asking for the Calories and Protein totals. The second test was providing a prompt...