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  1. J

    Fat and Tired

    @silverflame Get the /r/MacroFactor app for diet goals. Commit to getting quality sleep. Pick a lifting program that excites you, go after it for 6 months before you change your mind. Go on ten minute walks a few times a day.
  2. J

    3.5 months in our local box. New to this sub. 26/f. Any ladies in this sub?

    @yohannessheep Love your username :)
  3. J

    For those of you who don’t belong to a traditional box..

    @huntemp28 Fingers crossed! It can't be worse than Wodify.
  4. J

    For those of you who don’t belong to a traditional box..

    @dayboivietnam I just started Street Parking two weeks ago and have really loved it. The UI is fantastic. I wish Wodify wasn't so terrible, but that's not SP's fault.