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  1. P

    I can’t gain muscle??

    @soldierofgodsarmy Not everyone can get big, well at least without PED’s. You can take your body to it’s natural limits with using compound exercises like bench, squats and deadlifts. Let these exercises be the staples of your training using isolating exercises as supplementals. Along with high...
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    I feel like my PT is pushing me too hard. How do I tell him this?

    @allroads Just like you explained it here explain it to your PT. An experienced PT will mostly have dealt with people before in a similar way. The problem is people want instant results, so judging by your statement your bony will have no option but to change and adapt.
  3. P

    I can’t gain muscle??

    @frelibro Do you workout using compound exercises? Are you in a calorie surplus? Do you train with hypertrophy in mind? Do you hit every muscle group at least 2 a week? Do you incorporate progressive overload? Is your diet rich in anabolic foods? Do you have an actual plan? Do you track...
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    Do y’all drink protein shakes on days you don’t work out?

    @jerryfont I would tell you to just stop drinking protein shakes until you know what they are for. Protein shakes supplement protein, no magic, no big secret you’re making out to be some sort of magic potion
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    I think I gained fat even though I lost weight. HOW????????

    @joyce65714 The people on the podcast are verified personal trainers with degrees in kinesiology, trained for over 20 years, own and operated gyms. If you don’t trust they’re podcast you can purchase their books on health and fitness.
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    RANT: I look worse than I did before at this weight

    @joyce65714 It’s important that you feel better
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    I think I gained fat even though I lost weight. HOW????????

    @shiwang90 Happens more times than you think, you should watch Mind Pump podcast. They have an episode explaining how this happens.
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    Bed ridden after deadlift

    @elw80 Beginning stages of adaptation, get some rest, protein and carbs and do it again
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    I really don't like Squats, can I just do leg press instead?

    @heislove1980 Check out your natural stance. If your knee aren’t straight when standing naturally, I would advise just avoiding squats. Some people with wide hips have knee that go in some haves knees that go out making if difficult to preform a weight bearing squat. You don’t want to injure...
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    Gym Anxiety

    @goddreamer0715 I can’t think of another place that a overweight person belongs as if that’s what it’s meant for than the gym. I wonder do alcoholics get nervous when they go to AA meetings?
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    Is 30 too late to aim for an ‘athletic body’?

    @norman70 Your metabolism slow down as you get older, sometimes that can cause to increase in weight over time. Chances are you should prioritize food choices over physical activity seeing it’s what probably got you in this situation. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate, if your someone who...
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    I started working seriously 7-8 months ago, I feel weak if I dont eat like every 3-4 hours or so

    @enochnaki Your slowing down your metabolism by not eating enough to compensate for your new body composition.
  13. P

    I want to start going to the gym

    @foreverrevealtruth Hope you plan on changing your diet as well because going to the gym won’t balance a bad diet.