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  1. B

    I RX'd(Women's) 2014 Regional Event 4 and almost time capped

    @petrielo Thanks! I was actually at this regional as well, but as a volunteer! I got to watch Spealler make it back to the games, and watching him do this workout at 195# was insane!
  2. B

    I RX'd(Women's) 2014 Regional Event 4 and almost time capped

    @chakmach bahahahaha. Now I'm cleaning up spilt coffee on my keyboard...
  3. B

    I RX'd(Women's) 2014 Regional Event 4 and almost time capped

    Last week I made a post asking which 2014 regional events would you rather do? A lot of people talked about event 4 either being in their wheelhouse, or too difficult. Since it had the most traction, I decided to do it (women's weight of course). Here are my results - 19:39. I'm a 33 year old...