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  1. G

    23 y.o. female with questions about chasing them gains!

    @folashade Not looking for muscle only. But thank you! Will definitely check it out!
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    23 y.o. female with questions about chasing them gains!

    @krusader for sure, thanks!
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    23 y.o. female with questions about chasing them gains!

    @dawn16 I've been cleared by my doctor and two specialists and lifting was recommended.
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    23 y.o. female with questions about chasing them gains!

    @godisdead69 I didn't feel like that was too quick, but I can spread it out I'm just so impatient when I don't see results hah. Thank you for your recommendations!! :)
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    23 y.o. female with questions about chasing them gains!

    @madluvofficial Thanks, this is super informative. I guess I'm really just trying to focus on strength for now! This is great, thanks again!
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    23 y.o. female with questions about chasing them gains!

    but also want to be fit, not a blob. haha
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    23 y.o. female with questions about chasing them gains!

    @brielle I weigh 93 pounds and I am 5' 5", I'm looking to gain healthy weight in general. I will be lifting, but am also just looking to up my number on the scale per my doctor's request.
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    23 y.o. female with questions about chasing them gains!

    @brielle gahhh i never said 20 pounds of muscle haha
  9. G

    23 y.o. female with questions about chasing them gains!

    Hi VeganFitness! I'm a 23 y.o. female looking to gain weight/build muscle mass. I think I've got my diet down- I know I've got to carb up/get my vitamins in! But does anyone have a streamlined lifting routine that they could recommend for me? I have about an hour that I can workout on my lunch...