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  1. N

    2023 NoBull CrossFit Games IE 1 - Ride Discussion Thread

    @snowballsfriend It still isn't free, do you understand how much of the taxes are going to your free healthcare? The current official government numbers show the average Canadian making 60k per year pays about 7k a year in taxes that specifically go to their healthcare. That is considerably more...
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    2023 NoBull CrossFit Games IE 1 - Ride Discussion Thread

    @snowballsfriend I don't think your average US resident (like the OP) realizes what is and isn't covered in "free" Canadian healthcare which is why I expanded your "etc.". Many elements of mental care are also in the domain of private insurance.
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    2023 NoBull CrossFit Games IE 1 - Ride Discussion Thread

    @snowballsfriend ...and vision, private hospital rooms, outpatient medicines, and even private insurance (only) specialists, and the list of private insurance benefits seem to be getting longer each year.
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    2023 NoBull CrossFit Games IE 1 - Ride Discussion Thread

    @akingbade You know, Canadian healthcare isn't "free" (funded through various taxes) and most Canadians have private health insurance.
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    2023 NoBull CrossFit Games IE 1 - Ride Discussion Thread

    @akingbade You should usually get health insurance before visiting another country. Especially, if you are an athlete and/or engaging in potentially high-risk behavior while abroad. By the way, Canada doesn't pay for medical care or hospital stays for visitors either.