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  1. M

    Study: Back Squat produces better glute growth than hip thrust

    @rovanpenny A squat with the barbell on your shoulder instead of on your back
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    Study: Back Squat produces better glute growth than hip thrust

    @rovanpenny Back squat, to differentiate with front squats.
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    My roommates keep calling me gym obsessed.

    @kmar123 There's no overdoing it as long as you are mindful of your resting periods and recovery. Honestly, I'd rather be addicted to the gym and go get a workout in if I have time than fucking do nothing but watch tv on a couch Like why is going to the gym considered to be an addiction? Why...
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    Squat form check please :)

    @wingless121 Tbf most of. The weight should rest on your upper back. Rather than your wrists, so breaking shouldn't be an issue either way
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    What does 2000 calories look like to you?

    @rue77 Here's today for me: (2100 calories) Breakfast: One tall soy latte at starbuck with one shot of caramel (smoked butterscotch is to die for). 3 medium boiled eggs, 20g. of dates (no pits), 1tsp of coconut oil, Buckwheat flakes 57g. (roughly 2/3 of a cup iirc). Chia seed, 1tbsp, Pineapple...
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    24 y/o F Changing Body Type

    @artemis153 Fear is useless if you can't do anything about it. That's what I learned when at the highest of my anxiety. What's the use of worrying about something that may or may not happen? You just fall in a loop and don't accomplish anything in the meantime. What's the worst that can...
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    how do you manage stress in ways that aren’t exercise??

    @porcelainrose I am a grad student who's trying to keep an active lifestyle, so I definitely feel you on a lot of aspects. The thing that never failed me to sort of manage stress is that I daydream. Music is an extremely vital component of my life and I listen to a lot of...