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  1. N

    Keeping GainZ with swimming when hurt

    @beaud20 Fair point. Left shoulder/biceps. (I think.) While doing ring dips without a strong support hold. I'm not sure if its tendonitis, but i'm sure that it is a pain that require a brake in my strenght training.
  2. N

    Keeping GainZ with swimming when hurt

    @dawn16 Thank you. Your comment is very helpful!
  3. N

    Keeping GainZ with swimming when hurt

    @dawn16 My objective is not to overload but rather maintain what I already have while I recover.
  4. N

    Keeping GainZ with swimming when hurt

    Learn from my mistake, don't skipprogression even if you are eager to progress. I took 2 deload week and 1 complete pause. Still hurt, got to take a few weeks off to let my tendon heal. I'm on a small cut right now and I would like to maintain my GainZ as much as possible. I was thinking very...