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  1. B

    The Troubles With Doubles

    @mydonspace I'm 50 and qualified for the quarterfinals. I am very athletic and especially good at calisthenics, conditioning, and pure strength. I can't get double unders consistently. I got up to 13 unbroken in 24.2, but did mostly double unders as single reps. I am have regressed since...
  2. B

    The Troubles With Doubles

    @sup3rb0wlz I was the opposite. During the Open, 24.2, I got up to 13 unbroken and had never done more than 4-5 before that. Being exhausted takes my mind off it and lets it happen.
  3. B

    What is the realistic highest standard I could get and how to get there?

    @farmerdex ???If the OP was a girl benching 220 lbs and repping out 14 strict pull ups, while also having muscle ups and a near 6-minute mile, “she” would not have a long way to go in strength, as you say in your comment. Even the girls that compete at a high level at my gym can’t do that...
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    What is the realistic highest standard I could get and how to get there?

    @asdfbill75 You’re right that this is tough. Given your conditioning is already very good, given your mile time, if you are serious about reaching higher standards you should prioritize strength, like 531 or 5x5 or Tactical Barbell Operator. Do heavy barbell work 3x a week prioritizing...
  5. B

    What is the realistic highest standard I could get and how to get there?

    @asdfbill75 I’m 50 and well ahead of you on the lifts and similar on the running. I made the QFs this year, but complete in the 50-54 age group. I didn’t come close to making the semis. You’re no where close to advancing out of the open at your age. But, you could get there. You need to...