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  1. L

    Internalized misogyny and sports?

    @lorial Yes! Maybe working out in an environment where there are men who aren't athletic could help, like a non specialist gym, if you haven't already done that? You can find plenty of too so strong or fit guys in those. While unfortunately biology does limit cis women to an extent, that doesn't...
  2. L

    I told a guy no on working in

    @johntf Do you go to my gym? Lol. I would also be more open to working in in an environment where people were hygienic. And yeah, IME in the morning people are much less social at the gym, which is great if you don't want confrontation
  3. L

    How do you make exercise not about weight loss?

    @warden_of_the_storm This is helpful for me to read and I think it helps articulate why it bothers me when I see exercise framed as basically something to do when you get out of shape (or to ward off your poor fitness getting too bad, but only very occasionally). "You can't just go to the muscle...