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  1. P

    what’s everyone’s go-to (lame) joke at the gym?

    @elsiejo After finishing a particularly brutal workout, where most folks are still flat out on the ground making sweat angels, I like to go up to the people waiting for the next class and tell them the workout was "actually pretty chill"...
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    Indoor Rowing Comp

    @greatcleanbooks Here's my take, 2K PR is 6:24 Workout A: I'd shoot for 1:42, 1:40, 1:35, then sprint last min. Workout B+C: Go out hard for B at 1:32 - :35, once I cleared 3 min, throttle way back to 1:50-1:52 (this is my rest, catch breath pace) for 2-3 min, and pull down and establish a...
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    Can we talk weight gain?

    @pdbcm As a long time owner, I'll say this is fairly common for women starting CrossFit, and I'll explain what I think is happening. First, a chunk of it is muscle gain. If you've not lifted before an are now doing 3-4 classes a week of strength work, you're going to get a bunch of "noob...
  4. P

    Am I doing too much?

    @thex We've had a few very high level competitors at our gym, and we used to host several of the very elites (Annie, Katrin, Ben, and Mat) when the Games were in SoCal years ago, and did a round table with a bunch of competitors one year. The key takeaway was that cardio/metcon work does not...
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    CrossFit burnout?

    @bonlin Yup, 10-year box owner, etc, and hit the same place a few years ago. There's definitely a bit of the culture, the hustle, etc, getting old, but aside from that, I felt like I was getting better at crossfit but not really improving in other athletic goals. I wasn't really getting...