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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @ldfry001 Thank you! Good luck, wherever you’re at in your own story!
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @andrew99911 CONGRATS! It could be exactly as you expect if you really know yourself, or it could totally turn on its head and be nothing as you expect at all. If you have any questions or just want someone to talk to, this internet stranger is here :) best of luck!
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @dawn16 Short answer: yes! Long answer: ***TRIGGER WARNING: loss mentioned During the beginning of the pandemic, I didn’t really go to the gym much, with pregnancy hopefully in my near future (I just wanted to be safe). I used heavier dumbbells at home. I got pregnant our first try, but...
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @ptf2013 Absolutely! I had to remind myself that a lot of what I saw on Instagram or YouTube was from people who are elite athletes or basically work out for a living, and remind myself everyone is different! Heck, every pregnancy is different!
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @favouredjohn I couldn’t agree more! That’s why my expectations had to change during my pregnancy. As I mentioned in another comment, I saw other lifters doing way more than I was doing, and was forced to be humbled and keep scaling back the weights, being grateful that I used them at all. I set...
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @rosella Thanks for sharing! Sorry to hear you were injured :( trust me, I am going slow lol. I deadlifted 250 lbs a month before I got pregnant, I am just using a 30 lb empty bar right now. My workouts are maybe 20-30 minutes (it’s all my son will give me in his bouncy chair anyway haha). And...
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @thegirlwithnousername Thanks for the recommendation! Sounds awesome!
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @zazzi As we like to echo around this joint, check out Meg Squats! She has some free resources as well as paid pregnancy and postpartum programs. Mamaste Fit is also a super helpful resource! They used to say “don’t start anything new during pregnancy”, but the general vibe now is that it’s...
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @meteorstorm I’m so sorry you experienced PPA. I was also told I scored high for PPD - gestures at hospital room well, yeah. I would definitely agree with working out doing wonders for your mental health, which is why I did whatever I could while my son was in the hospital. Here’s to coming out...
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @meteorstorm Girlllll you are killing those weights! I’m so glad it helped you with birth and recovery! It could be a unicorn pregnancy, but it could also be the work you put into it that helped. I felt like physical activity kept most of those common side effects for me away at least :) thanks...
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @adame Hi! Probably at the beginning of the second trimester, around week 14-16. For me it was anything prone or with my body extended, like downward facing dogs and wall push ups. I’m still not doing bench press with my legs on the ground, as that is when my core seems to be the least stable...
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @draculkain That is great that you’re already thinking that way, and it’s a great mentality to have! It can be easier said than done, but as I mentioned, it’s all temporary. My body will never be the same and I might end up bumping up a weight class permanently, and I’m okay with that, so as...
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @winston87 Meg is so great! I bought her postpartum program to support her, but read through it all and still ended up building my own recovery. If it’s important to you, you WILL do it again, even if it doesn’t look exactly the same. With my “loose timeline” of competing again in 12-18 months...
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @mikehu I have no problem with cardio—not a runner, but love to walk my dog and hike. There is a reason it’s what a lot of people start with. It’s either no machine or one machine, pretty simple to time or keep good form. I’m glad you found joy in lifting like I did!
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @mugen Couldn’t agree more :) I hated squats and I still…hate squats lol. Interesting about bench! I find putting my feet down/trying any sort of arch right now is where I’m unstable and may even see coning. Trying hard to work on my core to bring it up to speed!
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @dawn16 Thanks for sharing! I have heard similar stories, not that is the same for everyone. I’m glad you had a better recovery and learned from your first experience :)
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @angel33babygirl Absolutely! MamasteFit explains it pretty well here. It is essentially your abs not being able to handle pressure properly and taking the path of least resistance.
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    I’d like to share my experience so far going through pregnancy, birth and postpartum in the fitness sense—more specifically, as a powerlifter. I was so frustrated at the lack of content I found searching during pregnancy (thank you Meg Squats for leading the way!) Although I didn’t do the big 3...