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  1. G

    4 years of hard work

    @silsophi My physique really peaked at year 7 after a cut, so keep going. It takes longer than you think but you must NOT let your foot off the accelerator. Thats the only way impressive natural physiques are made. The secret is to understand that being jacked isn’t nearly as valuable or as...
  2. G

    I only want big arms. Not literally, I still am working out other muscle groups, but I want the biggest bulkiest arms. How do I get them?

    @lizlugo51 Train arms exclusively 3x a week, number one priority is progressive overload on compound arms movements aka get as humanly strong as possible on these in 5-10 rep range: weighted chinup, barbell bicep curl overhead triceps extension with dumbbell, skull rushers. Second priority is...
  3. G

    How does progressive overload ACTUALLY work?

    @brianlee3271 You probably dont need deloads, its typically for strenght athletes (powerlifters…) who need a reset from a training block, they accumulate a lot more overall fatique over time and need a deload so that they can effectively continue a new training block. what you were doing is...
  4. G

    How to train for a small and aesthetic waist?

    @thepaulmaster Grow lats and shoulders, if you genetically don’t have a small waist it is what it is, also being lean helps
  5. G

    Daily meal review

    @galatians220lyric Eat more bro you will start starving soon and lose gym performance which will result in muscle loss
  6. G

    If I don’t get 4-8 hours of sleep how much is it hurting my gains?

    @1ambassador Sounds like insomnia, I would see a doctor. I cant imagine naturally waking up after only 4h of sleep let alone 2h. Without an alarm I always sleep at least 7-8 hours going into 9h even, 6 is unheard of
  7. G

    Has my coach put me on too high of a calorie deficit?

    @petr0s The whole bodybuilding coaching thing is a joke. The only time you need a prep coach is if you are a pro or need help peaking last 2 weeks. All else is just a numbers game, everyone is “educated” on their own so all you can do is just trust them. Everyone who is experienced can coach...