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    How do you get enough protein?

    @warriorforchrist2020 I got some great advice that protein is extremely satiating, so you have to wean up. I increased my amounts slowly so my satiety could adjust. Now I’m hungry if I get too little in a day. Doing it raw is hard, of course, because of all the fiber. I hope you find something...
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    Creatine timing?

    @felicitypenny I take it in my protein shake because that’s where my stomach tolerates it. Where it fits in your schedule and diet is the best spot for it.
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    How do you get enough protein?

    @wevrul I use a bunch of different ones. I do try to mix protein sources for completeness (vital wheat gluten + beans/chickpea flour/pea protein). I highly recommend checking out Isa Chandra Moskowitz’s recipes. She has a couple on her old blog Post Punk Kitchen, but I think her books are worth...
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    How do you get enough protein?

    @tianyalu2 It’s kind of a mindset thing, like a game for me. So think what you’re in the mood for, then focus on the protein. I want mac and cheese… so I’m going to use protein pasta, and make the sauce from tofu and cashews, then add a veggie like peas or broccoli for nutrition. And seitan...
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    How do you get enough protein?

    @tianyalu2 Happy to! I really enjoy that kind of stuff.
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    How do you get enough protein?

    @jakob1997 The best research I’ve heard is 1.6g/kg for most people. To the best of my knowledge, there’s no harm in going over, it’s just work. The research showing kidney issues is focused on animal proteins and hasn’t yet been replicated with plant protein, as far as I know.
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    How do you get enough protein?

    @jakob1997 Yeah. 1-1.3g per pound, which is around 2.5g/kg on average. Even when I ate meat I was always a little too weak at baseline, so the extra protein seems to help a lot.
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    How do you get enough protein?

    @aptiv245 That tofu sounds amazing. I’m going to have to try that. That’s a good idea on the protein powder for people who want to avoid the blends.
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    How do you get enough protein?

    @dgodshelp7 That’s really none of your business, random stranger. I’m not looking for advice.
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    How do you get enough protein?

    @dgodshelp7 Thankfully, you’re not me and can choose your own diet. I get plenty of feedback from the actual professionals I work with who know me and my intake. And the whole protein damages healthy kidney thing is really not supported by much evidence. That’s just not how the kidneys work.
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    How do you get enough protein?

    @dgodshelp7 The 150 includes a low-moderate amount of body fat rather than muscle mass. Since I’ve upped protein I’ve started seeing a shift in body composition. I should just add to the post… I was doing 1.6g/kg and not seeing results and generally feeling pretty cruddy, so I increased until my...
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    How do you get enough protein?

    @tootsiepop52 Honestly, it’s a little bit good luck and a little bit hard work. I’ve struggled for years to get in a good routine. I just focused on one bit at a time and let the rest fall into place slowly. Not to be too touchy feely, but making changes from a place of self care and respect...
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    How do you get enough protein?

    @tootsiepop52 I admit to being a bit overkill on diet quality. My body is pretty sensitive to my diet, so I do what I’ve gotta do. But of course I had beyond nuggets and vegan cheese for dinner last night so…
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    How do you get enough protein?

    @alicewonder Yeah, it’s a bit intense for a regular diet. But I’ve always struggled with muscle gain and recovery, so I figured maybe my body just needs more than the average. I feel great eating this way and my progress in the gym has been exponential.
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    How do you get enough protein?

    We all get asked it, and we all ask each other. So let’s start a big thread with our best advice! I’m eating 1700-2200 calories a day with 150-200g of protein. I prefer to eat lower carb because it keeps my energy more consistent, but that’s just a preference. I’m female 5’3” and about 150lb...