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  1. I

    Banned from gym for bringing a guest

    @davis32123 you are correct, this is what my gym does. However, the owner may just not want people visiting outside staffed hours since they then cannot be policed until someone comes in and views camera. One dipshit fucking around in your gym can cause a lot of damage, get injured, or any...
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    Banned from gym for bringing a guest

    @luxianzhong yep, which is likely why the owner threatened to call the cops. Though it would likely lead almost no where at this point.
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    Banned from gym for bringing a guest

    @luxianzhong because you can't sign a contract that signs away someone else's rights.
  4. I

    Why don't men hire health coaches as much as women?

    @gm0nkx We don't need coaches. We already know everything. Obviously.
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    Why don't men hire health coaches as much as women?

    @deee If you want to compete, a coach is worth every penny. Especially through competition peak. . If you just want to get strong, follow any sense popular program out there.