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  1. K

    3-Year Calisthenics Journey - Before and After - 6’8” 215lbs to 225lbs

    @hope321 Thank you sir! It’s such a simple message but so hard to execute
  2. K

    3-Year Calisthenics Journey - Before and After - 6’8” 215lbs to 225lbs

    @steph_rome That’s awesome man keep it up. Trust me that dead hang pull-ups are the right way to go for a healthy scap for us tall guys!
  3. K

    3-Year Calisthenics Journey - Before and After - 6’8” 215lbs to 225lbs

    @dgiharris If it makes you feel better I was 160 lbs at 6’8 at age 18 😂anything is possible!
  4. K

    3-Year Calisthenics Journey - Before and After - 6’8” 215lbs to 225lbs

    @dgiharris Hey man, don’t worry you will get it! I highly recommend 3 movements that helped me achieve my first pull-up: -Scapular pull-ups: going from a complete dead hang to an active hang for reps -Active hang for time -Pull-up Negatives: this is the key to achieving a pull-up as it is the...
  5. K

    3-Year Calisthenics Journey - Before and After - 6’8” 215lbs to 225lbs

    @jgc Thanks man! I’ve thought about it - the only drawback is with the work I’m doing and my baseline rate I need around 4000 calories a day to progress. I’m wondering how feasible that is on a plant based diet. Do you have any tips or resources?
  6. K

    3-Year Calisthenics Journey - Before and After - 6’8” 215lbs to 225lbs

    @dawn16 You’re not going to like my answer, but it’s just the cold hard truth especially for taller people. It takes a long time for your tendons to adapt to movements and also for your muscles to learn how to stabilize. My only advice is proper form and staying consistent - one month of rings...
  7. K

    3-Year Calisthenics Journey - Before and After - 6’8” 215lbs to 225lbs

    @christopher3927 Unfortunately, I don’t really take care of my diet. I’d like to say I eat relatively clean and mainly home cooked meals. Only notable things are is: -I’ve completely cut out bread -to maintain my weight I need to eat around 3500-4000 calories a day -I don’t drink alcohol
  8. K

    3-Year Calisthenics Journey - Before and After - 6’8” 215lbs to 225lbs

    @dawn16 You can definitely message me, but I also recommend giving a read of the recommended routine -
  9. K

    3-Year Calisthenics Journey - Before and After - 6’8” 215lbs to 225lbs

    @dawn16 Hey I was 23 when I started calisthenics (and in the photos on the left), but I was 18 when I was introduced to sports specific weight training
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    3-Year Calisthenics Journey - Before and After - 6’8” 215lbs to 225lbs

    @andraus 5 sets of superset 1. 4 of superset 2 and 3 of 3
  11. K

    3-Year Calisthenics Journey - Before and After - 6’8” 215lbs to 225lbs

    @andraus Sure I started with the recommended routine in the beginning. Overtime once I incorporated the rings I started to research and try new things very often. Overall I’ve realized it’s important to have a vertical push and pull variation (pull-ups and dips) and a horizontal push and pull...
  12. K

    3-Year Calisthenics Journey - Before and After - 6’8” 215lbs to 225lbs

    @acure Thank you, calisthenics has definitely been a humbling experience!
  13. K

    3-Year Calisthenics Journey - Before and After - 6’8” 215lbs to 225lbs

    Before I start this post, I want to say this subreddit is amazing. Everything I’ve learned about calisthenics comes from religiously scouring r/bodyweightfitness and binge-watching FitnessFAQs, Antranik and CalisthenicsMovement on YouTube. June 24th, marked 3 years since I began training...