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  1. M

    Killer exercises for athleticism in combat sports ?

    @returner Hit all your kb mainstays. Pressing variations, jerks, snatches, swings. I would focus on lower body movements that are low rep and require mobility and coordination. For example, overhead kettlebell walking lunges. Double kettlebell SOTS presses. Split stance one arm snatches and...
  2. M

    I want to strict press 32kg

    @rabbie77 Bro don’t get me started on 28 to 32! Did that jump for my jerks not long ago and again, legit stopped my set to see if I grabbed the right bell I was like there’s no way in hell this is only 4 kilos difference 😂
  3. M

    I want to strict press 32kg

    @rabbie77 Jump from 20 to 24 killed my snatches. Honestly thought someone was pranking me and snuck a 24kg label on like a 32. I imagine the 24 to 28 is worse 😂
  4. M

    Is 300 swings/day effective on its own?

    @nipun I honestly think 300 swings will be overkill man. If you want to lose some weight follow a format of maybe 100 swings/100 goblet squats. The goblet squats would make for a much more balanced mobility addition than swings alone. And I’m guessing (as a former grappler) that if you’re 45 and...