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  1. T

    kB Back Pain

    @kkaye The point is not too stay in a child pose itself for a long time, it is to make a lot of child's poses in time. the cerebrospinal fluid is pumped to the intervertebral discs causing them to expand. as a result, the muscles at the spine stretch and relax. in addition, you nourish the discs
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    kB Back Pain

    @fortruth73 But you also need to contract your stomach as if you want to suck your belly button down and stop peeing at the same time.
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    kB Back Pain

    @kkaye You probably didn't keep your core engaged, you lost contraction and lower back took over. For now, repeated child's pose for a few minutes a day should loosen that muscles. For pullovers, maybe drop the weight or to them with elbows 90 degrees?