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  1. D

    Skinny Obese?!? DEXA Surprise, 32f 5'9" 152lbs 44%BF!

    @jcob Thanks, I guess you’re right I haven’t heard of TOFI so I’ll look into it, I’m not very strong but I’m certainly not frail!
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    Skinny Obese?!? DEXA Surprise, 32f 5'9" 152lbs 44%BF!

    @olufunmilola Thanks, I am going to consider a recomp I automatically jumped to bulk/cut because I hear that so often on hear that I thought it was necessary haha. I don’t care at all about the number on the scale, I just want to be healthier bodyfat to leanmass ratio and fit my clothes :) good...
  3. D

    Skinny Obese?!? DEXA Surprise, 32f 5'9" 152lbs 44%BF!

    @janellb Well I’m glad one of us wasn’t surprised, haha, I understand now about not cutting. From the replies I have decided to focus on building lean mass rather than cutting fat. As asked in other comments I’ll edit my post to reflect my history and updated plan. Thanks for your reply :)
  4. D

    Skinny Obese?!? DEXA Surprise, 32f 5'9" 152lbs 44%BF!

    @christroy I will, thanks
  5. D

    Skinny Obese?!? DEXA Surprise, 32f 5'9" 152lbs 44%BF!

    @sussi It’s interesting that you brought this up, I have for years wondered if I had some kind of hormonal imbalance because I do not gain weight like an average woman and have never met anyone with my same body type except my mom. I brushed it off because I don’t have any health problems...
  6. D

    Skinny Obese?!? DEXA Surprise, 32f 5'9" 152lbs 44%BF!

    @sussi Is there anything that you know of that might cause a body like this that isn’t cushings? I’m trying to research on my own so I’m informed before I go into the dr. I have looked into cushings a but there are a few things which lead me to believe it’s not that, for instance my mom and...
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    Skinny Obese?!? DEXA Surprise, 32f 5'9" 152lbs 44%BF!

    @rosewithnothorns Yeeeaaaaahhhh....... hard pass. lol
  8. D

    Skinny Obese?!? DEXA Surprise, 32f 5'9" 152lbs 44%BF!

    @rui I found a company near me called bodyspec .There are a few different companies here but I don’t think it matters much which company it is, just the results. My DEXA was $45 and RMR was $75
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    Skinny Obese?!? DEXA Surprise, 32f 5'9" 152lbs 44%BF!

    @thaonguyen225 Yes I’m totally cleared for exersise many have been asking about it so I will edit my post to reflect what’s going on in that department. I’m focused on building muscle from now on :)
  10. D

    Skinny Obese?!? DEXA Surprise, 32f 5'9" 152lbs 44%BF!

    See below for updated goals and plan As is says in the title I took a DEXA scan and a Resting Metabolic Rate test this week and was, as the kids say, SHOOK. I'm trying to understand the results, set a goal, and make a plan. Why I am surprised: My results came back showing that I am 44% body...