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  1. G

    Can’t slim arms (they get bulkier) 😫

    @kwellham The only arm workouts I do are bodyweight or with 2 pound weights. Anything heavier or more intense I will start to look thicker there and not lean. It’s just the way my body is built. I do upper body – bodyweight exercises and go with more weights on my lower body. I look very...
  2. G

    A weird trick I just discovered

    @mihai_1991 Oh yes I like to call it “Chernobyl Yellow”
  3. G

    A weird trick I just discovered

    @mihai_1991 I’ve taken b complex for years and I notice this too. It’s also one of the view evidence based vitamins for mood and energy. I take a b complex and cut it half. I take half in the morning and half in the afternoon. Then I feel like and energizer bunny